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New AKTAKOM ATT-8509 electromagnetic field meter

New AKTAKOM ATT-8509 electromagnetic field meter


At the moment our Catalogue includes a new model of electromagnetic field meter – AKTAKOM ATT-8509.

AKTAKOM ATT-8509 Electromagnetic field meter is designed for the monitoring of electromagnetic fields which appear from different sources like cell phones, television antennas, wireless equipment, medical equipment, microwave devices, welding equipment, computers, industrial equipment etc.

The device is equipped with two three-axis probes capable of measuring electromagnetic field parameters in the wide frequency range from 100 kHz to 3 GHz.

ATT-8509 has RS-232 computer interface and is compatible with several types of software which you may check visiting the device page and clicking Software tab.

More details are available at ATT-8509 page. Click here to buy the device.

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