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Aktakom Oscilloscope Pro (AOP)
Aktakom Oscilloscope Pro (AOP) software is designed for the full-function control of ACK-3106, ACK-3106L, ACK-3172, ACK-3002, ACK-3102, ACK-3712, ACK-3712 1T, ACK-3712 1M oscilloscopes, measurement data acquisition from 2 channels, the data processing, displaying and storage on the PC. CapabilitiesAktakom Oscilloscope Pro software allows detecting and compiling a list of devices available for operation and connected to the PC locally (via USB interface) or via Ethernet/Internet network; initiating and testing of the selected device. This software allows you to control all of the parameters available for this equipment type setting (see the list of the device supported) and to read the data by framing (oscilloscope mode) or continuous (record mode) method. The collected waveforms are displayed on the main and review graphs. The graphs can be arbitrarily scaled by user, the drawing style of the graphs can be set (points, lines, splines), for displaying there are persistence and digital luminophor mode available. For manual scheduled measurements there are 2 cursors and 10 user marks available. Location and intervals for the cursors and marks are displayed numerically in a separate window of the program. It supports both the oscilloscope mode with the serial acquisition of the limited length waveformsand the record mode with the continuous data acquisition and displaying for unlimited time. Aktakom Oscilloscope Pro software allows recording the waveform into files as numerical data or as a graph. The files with numerical data can be loaded into the software again for further review and analysis. This measurement data can be also printed by printer or as a graphic file.
For processing and automated measurements there is an analysis module integrated into the application. There is computation of the following parameters available in Aktakom Oscilloscope Pro software for digital USB oscilloscopes:
Number of the histogram columns can be set manually in the range from 10 to 256. If necessarythere can be up to 2048 columns implemented, but please note that the oscilloscope has 8-bit ADC and in fact it can’t detect more than 256 levels without any special treatment.
Before the program use when the device is connected the software requires a key. Interface
Aktakom Oscilloscope Pro software has an intuitive and user-friendly interface that can be set by user. The application allows user to manually specify the graph elements color as well as the thickness of the waveform lines or to load these settings from the previously saved color scheme files, to record his own audio version for the events etc. Every oscilloscope operation mode is made as a separate window, user can easily locate them in different convenient areas of the monitor. The main oscilloscope window is scalable and can be run in full screen mode. In this window you can change the scale, set the scale on the graph area limited with the cursors. In order to make user get the main idea about the information of the full buffer and find the right part for the detailed displaying there is an additional review disconnectable graph used that can be found at the bottom of the panel indicating the full buffer of the collected data. The zoom bar at the bottom of the main window is used for quick and intuitive graph controlling as well as the displaying of the information about it. Sweep control in the normal mode is made by Control panel. Measurement panel displays the specified sweep control parameters and the results of time and value cursor measurements of the signal parameters. All settings can be saved in a special configuration file which can be loaded during the next session if necessary. Extended triggering modesAOP Aktakom Oscilloscope Pro software allows you to operate with extended triggering modes. Extended triggering function is available in ACK-3102 1T model (in other models there is no such function). Comparing to the other similar programs this function significantly broadens the capabilities of engineer and researcher. There are the following triggering variants used in AOP Aktakom Oscilloscope Pro software:
Automatic signal settingAt the automatic setup command the program will try to automatically find the optimal settings of the device for the given signal – horizontal and vertical sweep and triggering level. Waveform length
Aktakom Oscilloscope Pro software displays a signal both after the start of the triggering circuit (postrecord) and right before it (prerecord). The sum of the triggering delay and postrecord length (waveform length) give the total size of the data buffer that will be read by the program from the device at the end of the measurement cycle. At the same time the total volume of the data buffer can not exceed 131071 samples per channel (ACK-3102 1M keeps up to 512K). Aktakom Oscilloscope Pro software allows user to arbitrarily set the size of prerecord / postrecord. It is very convenient because it allows you not only to see the signal background (before the start of the triggering terms) but in some cases, which do not require detailed images, this helps to save the computer resources and to increase the refresh rate on the oscilloscope screen by reducing the memory volume used. Data storageCollected waveform data can be saved by the program into files on the PC. For these files they use Aktakom Universal Lab format “.aul” which can be further opened by the oscilloscope program or by AUL-files converter utility supplied with the software. With this tool you can convert the data file to be read by other Aktakom USB laboratory applications in the same AKTAKOM USB Lab format or transfer the data to CSV text format (Comma Separated Values) which can be opened then with any text editor or spreadsheet processor. Besides the digital storage of the measurement results as a text file, you may also save the ready image of the received signals into file. By using the appropriate command you can save the signal image on the graph into file in BMP format (Windows bitmap) or in WMF or EMF vector formats (Windows metafile). At the same time all of the additional graphic elements are saved, for example special function curve. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AKTAKOM™ software is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized copy, reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. Windows, Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Back to the section |