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ATT-8509 Electromagnetic field meter

Compact device with large LCD capable of monitoring electromagnetic fields from different sources. Two three-axis probes: EP-04L (Low frequency Probe, 100 KHz to 100 MHz) and EP-03H (High frequency Probe, 100 MHz to 3 GHz). Precision measurement. Peak hold function. Data hold function to fix the current readings. RS-232 computer interface. Real time data logger. Auto or manual data record, 16,000 Data logger. Wide sampling time adjustment range (from 1 sec. to 9 hours). Dimension: 7.9 x 3 x 1.5 in / 200 x 76.2 x 36.8 mm. Weight: 18.5 oz / 523 g.

User's Manual (215.56 Kb)

AKTAKOM ATT-8509 Electromagnetic field meter is designed for the monitoring of electromagnetic fields which appear from different sources like cell phones, television antennas, wireless equipment, medical equipment, microwave devices, welding equipment, computers, industrial equipment etc.

ATT-8509 Electromagnetic field meter is equipped with two three-axis probes capable of measuring electromagnetic field parameters in the wide frequency range from 100 kHz to 3 GHz.


  • Two probes:
    - EP-04L (Low frequency Probe, 100 KHz to 100 MHz)
    - EP-03H (High frequency Probe, 100 MHz to 3 GHz)
  • Precision measurement
  • Alarm function which warns the user in case the radiation source is too close and high, the buzzer will sound
  • Peak hold function
  • Data hold function to fix the current readings
  • RS-232 computer interface
  • Real time data logger
  • Build in clock
  • Auto or manual data record, 16,000 Data logger
  • Wide sampling time adjustment range (from 1 sec. to 9 hours)
  • Large LCD with contrast adjustment
  • Microcomputer circuit provides special function and offers high accuracy
  • Powered by 006P DC 9V battery or DC 9V adapter


General specifications:

  • Circuit: Custom one-chip of microprocessor LSI circuit
  • Large display: 2.3 in x 1.3 in / 58 mm x 34 mm
  • Accuracy: < 2 dB
  • Two three-axis probes:
    - EP-04L (Low frequency Probe, 100 KHz to 100 MHz)
    - EP-03H (High frequency Probe, 100 MHz to 3 GHz)
  • Frequency selection points:
    - EP-04L: 100kHz, 200kHz, 500kHz, 1MHz, 10MHz, 13.56MHz, 100MHz.
    - EP-03H: 900 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 2.45 GHz, 3 GHz.
  • Probe Input impedance: 50Ω
  • Sampling time of data logger:
    - Manual: Pressing the data logger button once will save data
    - Auto: 1 sec to 9 hours
  • Data hold: fixes the display readings
  • Power off: Auto shut off saves battery life or manual off by push button
  • Peak hold
  • Alarm function which warns the user in case the radiation source is too close and high, the buzzer will sound
  • Sampling time: 1 sec. (approx.)
  • RS-232 interface
  • Operating temperature: 32°F to 122°F / 0°C to 50°C
  • Operating humidity: less than 80% RH
  • Powered by 006P DC 9V battery or DC 9V adapter
  • Power current: DC 5,95 mA
  • Dimension: 7.9 x 3 x 1.5 in / 200 x 76.2 x 36.8 mm
  • Weight: 18.5 oz / 523 g

Electrical specifications:

Range Resolution Effective value
0 to 200.00 V/m 0.01 V/m > 1 V/m
0 to 99.999 W/m^2 0.001 W/m^2 > 0.03 W/m^2
0 to 9.9999 mW/cm^2 0.0001 mW/cm^2 > 0.0003 mW/cm^2

Frequency range Accuracy Test point Probe
400 KHz to 100 MHz < 2 dB 30 V/m EP-04L
50 MHz to 2.5 GHz < 2 dB 60 V/m EP-03H


  • Two three-axis probes
  • Carrying case

Optional sccessories:

ATT-8509 Electromagnetic field meter measuring procedure

Unit selection:
After inserting Probe card and connecting probe plug into Probe Input Socket, use Unit Button to select V/m, W/m^2, mW/cm^2.

Frequency team selection:
Use the Freq. Team Button to select the approx. measuring object frequency value.

If you don't know the exact information, the meter will select 1 GHz (EP-03H probe) or 1 MHz (EP-04L probe) on default after power on.

Axis measuring values:
Typically ATT-8509 presents the total value of XYZ directions, however if you would like to see values of X, Y, Z directions separately there should be the following steps taken:

  1. Power off ATT-8509, press Alarm Button and the Logger Button simultaneously, then power on the meter by press Power Button. After power on, release the buttons.
  2. *Press Unit Button continuously over 2 seconds, the bottom display will show X_axis, then release the button, the upper display will show X direction value.
    *Press Unit Button continuously and over 2 seconds, the bottom display will show V/m, then release the button, the upper display will show the total value of XYZ directions.

Data hold:
During the measurement, pressing of Hold Button once will hold the measured value and the LCD will indicate HOLD symbol. Pressing of it once again will release the data hold function.

Data Record (Max., Min. reading):

  1. The data record function records the maximum and minimum readings. Press REC Button once to start the Data Record function and you will see REC on the display.
  2. When there is REC on the display:
    - Press REC Button once, REC MAX symbol along with the maximum value will appear on the display.
    - Press REC Button once again, REC MIN symbol along will appear with the value accordingly.
  3. To exit the memory record function press REC Button and keep it pressed over 2 sec.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I clean the memory space when operating AKTAKOM ATT-5809?
  • Where can I check the sample time when using AKTAKOM ATT-8509?

  • How can I clean the memory space when operating AKTAKOM ATT-5809?

    If you see in the bottom right corner of the LCD “Full” inscription that means the memory is full accordingly. To clean it you need to take the following steps:

    1. Press ENTER Button once, then press ENTER Button to confirm.
    2. Press ESC Button once to quit and return to the main measurement manual.


    Where can I check the sample time when using AKTAKOM ATT-8509?

    Press Logger Button once and the LCD will display the sample time.


    Compatible Software

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    Aktakom Data Logger Monitor (ADLM-A)
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    Aktakom Data Logger Monitor (ADLM-W)
    ADLM-w software is designed for data reading from devices of AKTAKOM ATT, ATE series, for measurement data acquisition, its processing, displaying and storage in a PC with Windows XP x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 7x32, Windows 8 x64, Windows Vista OS.

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