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LXI (class C) web interface is now used in AKTAKOM APS-7306L power supply

LXI (class C) web interface is now used in AKTAKOM APS-7306L power supply


APS-7306L model which is capable of powering radio technical equipment with stabilized voltage and current in repair process, laboratory research.

The feature of APS-7306L:

  • dual LED display for voltage and current
  • coarse and fine adjustments of voltage and current
  • protection mode: current limiting
  • output connectors: insulated safety plugs
  • organic glass front panel / other panels made of steel
  • memory: 3 programmable memories

One of the capabilities of this device is LXI class C web interface. Control your device via any web browser with no additional applications needed.

APS-7306L power supply operating modes

Manual controlManual control mode. Including the use of 4 memory cells to store preset voltage and current. In manual mode you can adjust output voltage and current using the knob and buttons on the power supply front panel.

Control with the built-in memoryControl mode with the built-in memory use. APS-7306L allows to store output voltage and current values in the built-in memory for further use.

Remote control using USBRemote control mode to operate AKTAKOM APS-7306L DC power supply by computer via USB interface through AKTAKOM Power Manager Software. Moreover the USB interface has full galvanic isolation between the power supply and the computer.

Remote control using LANRemote control mode to operate AKTAKOM APS-7306L programmable power supply by computer using LAN interface (Ethernet).

WEB InterfaceRemote control mode to operate AKTAKOM APS-7306L DC power supply by computer via WEB interface. This remote control mode allows you to operate a power supply remotely not only by computer but through iPad, iPhone or any other Android-based mobile device.

LXI class C LXI (LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation) is a flexible high-speed standard for communication protocols for measuring and collecting data for devices using a universal LAN (Ethernet) interface, developed by the industry LXI consortium. The main goal of the LXI consortium is to ensure compatibility of newly developed control and measuring devices by various manufacturers.

Voice Guide

Voice GuideThe software for this power supply is multifunctional and interactive, it features the voice guide. Your power supply will literally tell you what current or voltage it is outputting! The voice guide announces all voltage current changes and power supply output status. This feature is very convenient because it allows you to work in the laboratory without paying attention to the power supply indicators.

The "Voice" button selects a Windows voice guide that will announce application events to you. Select the "No voice" option to disable the voice guide. Voice guidance works in all languages installed in the operating system on your PC.

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