AKTAKOM Net Configurator (ANC)
AKTAKOM Net Configurator (ANC)
AKTAKOM Net Configurator is designed to record and read the network settings data of AKTAKOM Universal Lab devices (supporting AULNet protocol). The application provides simple and convenient user interface to work with settings, they can be recorded into the file and read afterwards.
Compatible with: APS-1602LS DC Power Supply 60V / 2A 1 Channel, APS-1721LS DC Power Supply 120V / 1A 1 Channel, APS-3103L DC Power Supply, APS-3320L DC Power Supply, APS-3320LS DC Power Supply Remote Controlled 600W 30V / 20A 1 Channel programmable, APS-7303L Programmable DC power supply, APS-7305L Programmable DC Power Supply, APS-7306L DC Programmable Power Supply, APS-7306LS DC Programmable Power Supply, AME-1733 Multi-Channel Universal Datalogger, ACE-1748 Input-Output Module, ACE-1768 Input-Output Module, AEE-2025 Crosspoint Switch, AEE-2085 Crosspoint Switch, AEE-2087 4-channel Crosspoint Switch, AME-1274 Multichannel Thermometer, ACK-3106L two-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope, ACK-3172 two-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope, ACK-3712 1M dual-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope, ACK-3712 1T dual-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope, ACK-3712 dual-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
For Windows® Supported OS: Windows XP x32, Windows XP x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x32, Windows 8 x64, Windows 8.1 x32, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows 10 x32, Windows 10 x64
AKTAKOM Net Configurator is designed to record and read the network settings data of AKTAKOM Universal Lab devices (supporting AULNet protocol). The application provides simple and convenient user interface to work with settings, they can be recorded into the file and read afterwards. User may print the device network settings as well.

The main program window contains several blocks and buttons:
"Connection" block contains elements for searching and connecting to the configurable device.
“Settings” block contains the fields that specify the basic network settings of the device and the settings of its messages.
Basic settings
- IP-address, Subnet mask, Gateway – Device network credentials.
Port number (TCP/IP) – Specify the port number required to establish the connection of the device with the controlling software.
Port number (HTTP) - Specify the port number required to connect to the device with Internet browser.
Login - The name specified in the network connection settings of the controlling software.
- MAC Address - MAC address of the device network card.
DHCP server address - Specified if it’s necessary to receive addresses automatically.
Output message server - Specify the server for sending messages by e-mail.
SMTP Port - Port of the mail server for sending messages via the SMTP protocol.
Recipient 1-2 – e-mail addresses for messages.
Phone 1-2 - phone numbers for SMS messages.
In “Output message server” field it’s possible to enter the server name, e.g. “smtp.mail.ru”. If the computer is connected to the Internet the application will identify the server address on its own. But if there is no Internet connection it’s necessary to enter the address directly into the field but not the server name, for example: "".
"Read" key reads the settings data from the connected device and displays them in the settings block fields.
 "Record" key sends the entered settings data to the device memory.
"Reset" key returns the contents of the settings block fields to the default values.
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